Doorway Locations

Information to help you locate the nearest Doorway location to you.


Find Your Doorway

The Doorways offer assistance with accessing every level of treatment. Call 211 to be connected with a Doorway or use the Doorway locator map on the left for where to go based on your city in New Hampshire.

The Doorway at AVH (Berlin, NH)

The Doorway at Concord (Concord, NH)

The Doorway Operated by Wentworth-Douglas Hospital (Dover, NH)

The Doorway at Cheshire Medical Center (Keene, NH)

The Doorway at Concord Hospital Laconia (Laconia, NH)

The Doorway at Dartmouth-Hitchcock (Lebanon, NH)

The Doorway at LRH (Littleton, NH)

The Doorway of Greater Manchester (Manchester, NH)

The Doorway of Greater Nashua (Nashua, NH)

Lower Body:

Doorway Locator Map

Find your Doorway by entering your New Hampshire zip code in the search box below.




Please note: The townships of Green's Grant, Kilkenny, Martin's Location, Success, Pinkham's Grant and Sargent's Purchase call all visit The Doorway at AVH (Berlin, NH).