Help For Me

Information regarding getting help for yourself.

brunette woman

Problems with substance misuse are common and may represent a medical condition that needs treatment.  There is no shame in seeking help. Over 23 million people in the U.S. have had issues with their drug or alcohol use and are now in recovery. Recovery is possible. You are not alone.


  • Help is available 24/7. Call 211 to connect to a Doorway near you.
  • Drug and alcohol use can make you feel isolated.  It is important to reach out to people for the compassion, support, and understanding you need. You don’t need to go it alone.  We are here to help.
  • The effects of substance misuse can range from temporary effects that last a short-term all the way up to a substance use disorder that needs specialized care. Effective treatment is available no matter what level of problem you have. Don’t wait until it becomes unbearable.  Help is available at any time, no matter where you are.
  • There are many different types and levels of treatment and recovery supports.  Call 211 to find out what’s available for you.
  • Treatment can provide relief by helping you to identify and address what's wrong. This can help reduce physical and other symptoms that may be interfering with your work and personal life.
  • Recovery supports can help you to initiate and sustain recovery by removing barriers and connecting you to services and resources.
  • Every day, people struggling with substance use problems start their journey to recovery. We'll help you start yours.


CALL 211